This coming Holiday Season is not sure if you are the intended recipient of presents and scares. Candy and pennies in the bottom of the bag you spent all night supervising. Filling it with those irritating but cool looking costumes. The night terrors and Zombies, the kids playing dress up. The adults are gonna close off the streets for the night and get drunk as they should. 8
    My mind is on the sorry state of affairs of the United States, but who cares? I still scare. The mainstream media and its pop cult cohort are moving the tides away from the problems we face. What is it all for and all about? What are the "Powers that be" really up to in those shadows?
   I don't profess to have answers and I don't know it all, but I do know that we should care. Just look at this.   I read into this months ago, heck even years ago! I've always read my share of those seemingly dull editorials from various sources, and I began to have an awareness of things and how they affect my everyday existence. What do the Everyday Americans care of the grimy details? What style is in? What's hidden in the colorful bag? Why does Miley Cyrus scare me?
    So I'd expect myself to look further into all the developing things yet to come. But they'll show up on the porch and say "trick or treat" anyway. So I hope not.
    Let's all share the good vibes and highs of this coming Holiday Season, and let's keep up the good fight for our livelihood's and kids futures. Let's give treats instead of tricks. Keep close those that you smile about.                There are so many things that can make one worry, so treat one another to your genuine side. Don't trick us and your neighbors kids and turn them into these two horrors.
    The military budget and the wars yet to be had are at war with what we are. Ponder it and you will be scared. Think as if you were still a little Zombified Justin Beiber. What Horrors the Future holds...Don't be scared its only Life.


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