Blaze a ..
    Apparently for the light of it all, things were looking up.
    After the whole debacle with the dog he had to put aside his pursuits of personal preference. His physical life beckoned his human side. He had to go home and eat or he really would have barbecued that damn cute thing.
    He had to start it like that. He always went for the dog. They are what he is but spelled backward and hairy. At least he think so.
    He really hated everybody and just about everything. Really. Times in his life, as they pass by and feeling irrelevant. The fucking people and their shit always made him think twice though. All their apparent needs, and how important he was. He didn't want any part of it, but he lives with it every day of his sorry little life.
    He lives with the knowledge. He stays in tune to the way of men. He wasn't really a bad guy. All things Considered. Really. All he really did was care for everyone.
    It was hard enough for him to be aware of. He was always aware and it drove him to no end, but he couldn't stop looking at his eternity. How connected he is to everything.
    See the light is unlike anyone and anything on this little earth and his mind was aware of it. He was his own walking horror because he could not come to grips with the implications of what they say he is. The constant pulling and tugging of his subconscious and his human self. That was really a grand war with those voices.
    The possibility of ever separating from the influences they always have on his everyday life was impossible to fathom. Even for him.
    So he went home to eat and cohort with some demons. Food and water. Warmth and porn. Not necessarily in that order was his next plot, when he could actually get a word in edgewise upstairs. The Voices said to look up.
    A lot.
    They, the "Etherreal Realm", talk to him on a constantly annoying level. They always interjected his every thought. So common sense was hard to come by lately.
     Especially lately.
    Tomorrow he was going to start a new pursuit, but when he opened that fridge the cold was there to give him all he's been missing in the world.
    There will never again be lonely nights for him to endure. His heart was running out of steam, and she knew how bad things were getting for the lowly little light.
    Something real to what he is and thought he was, was touched by its essence and he needed that more than his flesh.
    It's always been there and he always knew he was the source, but the source within that fridge that night was the missing piece of the puzzle.
    The kind of cold that is sweet to the spirit. When you're cuddled up within its embrace, the world around you can see what you really are.
    The time around him held still and watched what was to come next.
    He saw the face. The one of his greatest desires.

His other heart.
The embrace shared

by the eternity of every piece of this existence

was there to bear witness

the light of a humble world

a sight to behold

Author's Note:  The previous 3 piece story tells a brief lie. This is a caricature of a Man that will walk this world one day.He may already be here...Or he may be within you... please share all the left out there


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